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《米神山大道》: Andy French is an aspiring cartoonist who has trouble holding a job or a girlfriend even while he rooms with two other eccentric roommates in an apartment in the Mission Hill area of the city of Cosmopolis. The fact that he has to house his obnoxiously precocious younger brother, Kevin, is no help. However, this quartet of disparate individuals manages to struggle through life's bizarre trials even as they learn to get along. Written by Kenneth Chisholm 本片在其它 发行,豆瓣评分6.0由 青苹果影院 收集到的视频在线观看资源,仅供用于学习和交流,青苹果影院提供视频手机观看,如果您喜欢本影片请分享给你的朋友。
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